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By recruiting and training African American candidates to run up and down the ballot, we will excite the black electorate and usher in a new political institution dedicated solely to electing black candidates and allies to the black community. In addition, we will ensure our endorsed candidates and their campaign staff are trained from top notch political professionals ensuring best practices are utilized and campaigns succeed.





Having great candidates and campaign staff is useless unless you have committed donors at both the grassroots and max levels. In order to be successful we have to develop dedicated black political donors who will support our endorsed candidates up and down the ballot. Whether we’re asking for $25 or $2700, without committed donors we cannot build black political power.





There continues to be a tremendous need for research on black elected officials and the black electorate. We hope to be a venue to conduct, house and promote scientific findings on our work and the opportunities that appear before us. We also will promote best practices in voter engagement targeting the black electorate.

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